Change City


Gain Momentum in December

Our Coach Melissa reminds us to focus in December on our goals and dreams for the new year now while our energy frequency is higher.

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The Turn Vintage

These two event spaces across the river are giving you the chance to enjoy time spent with loved ones while they handle the rest.

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Acts of Kindness

Our Coach Melissa shares how doing those acts of kindness will raise your energy frequency and bring you more of what you want and less of what you don’t want.

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Out of Control – Reset Your Energy

Ever feel out of control? Coach Melissa offers a quick way to reset your energy and move forward faster. 
People don’t resist change; they resist being changed. The harder you push against the grain, the harder it pulls you back to a place where you feel out of control.

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Intentional Goal Setting

Goal setting for most is common practice, however, our Coach Melissa shares how intentional goal setting can leap you further ahead in reaching your desires.

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7 Tips to Progress Toward Your Purpose

How do you expect to get there if you don’t know where “there” is? Our coach Melissa breaks down seven tips for you to focus on to progress toward purpose in life and start accomplishing your goals.

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Birthday Decor Ideas

Wine as party decor? We’re so down for that! Check out these tips from our design guru on using vino for your party decorations.

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