Change City

4 Hacks for Your New Year’s Resolutions!

Welcome, 2023! A new year means new dreams, goals, and desires. Coach Melissa offers the following hacks to make for a happy new year.

The pressure to change at the beginning of a new year can be overwhelming. Lao Tzu said, “New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.” That rings true.

So what can you do this year, different than the previous, to accomplish those new year’s resolutions?

Being with a clear mantra to align your focus and energy: 

“I am willing to carry the good forward, let the rest go, and change whatever isn’t working.”

Here are four additional hacks to support you as you enter this new year.

1. Limit yourself to one resolution to allow yourself to focus solely on that goal and not be distracted by having too many. 

You will be surprised how successfully you accomplish the goal by having one significant area to change because you can prepare, manage, and focus on what you desire.

2. If you want to change, YOU have to change.

What you CHOOSE to do with current circumstances is where change begins. Focusing on the problem will only create more problems. Open to a solution and work toward that every day. Being persistent and consistent with the vision of what you desire will guide you along the way and allow you to overcome obstacles and turn them into stepping stones.

3. Guide yourself with a clear vision and goal

Using a vision board can be the first step in getting clarity on your wants. Mapping out the bigger dreams of everything you want to Be, Do, and Have using photos and words, then placing them on a board will give you a daily visual of what you are striving to achieve.

To ignite the magic, create a 6-12 month vision board with a particular goal. Then look at the board in the morning and evening, recalibrating your thoughts, so you know it is possible. You are inching closer each day to having what you want –or something better!

4 Avoid all or nothing mentality

Giving up because you didn’t do it all or not everything went the way you expected no longer serves you!

Rather than give up, remind yourself that something is better than nothing and that everything is working out for your highest and best good. 

Make this year your best year! Everything you need to know to create the life you desire is inside. Take time to slow down and focus on what motivates you and raises your energy. Then work on ways to get there. 

Let go of the “hows” and trust that the cosmic kitchen is working on delivering your order.

Learn from what doesn’t work, focus on little ways to change, and keep the dream alive with mantras and images. 

It’s progress over perfection, and you can decide if your desire is stronger than your excuses. And if it is, you will achieve bigger things in the new year!

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