Change City

3 Tips for Personal Accountability

As January wraps up, it's time to check in on those New Year's Resolutions! Our life and business coach Melissa offers 3 tips on how to stay on target even when the motivation runs out.

You started the new year with some big dreams and goals. How are you doing?

Like most, achieving those new year’s resolutions can be challenging and often fall away mid-month.  

The key is having a clear plan of focus AND an accountability system.

What is accountability? Accountability is when you are willing to answer for the outcomes of your choices, behaviors, and actions. 

When starting something new, being committed to change and taking the necessary action takes work. 

The three things that may be interrupting your progress include the following:

– allowing your excuses to outweigh your desires

– lose motivation and excitement over time

– decide giving up is an easier way than finding a way to plow through

Whether scaling your business, building better relationships, losing weight, or making a career change, they all require goals with a clear vision, focused strategy, and, most importantly, accountability!

Ask someone to track your results, offer daily inspiration, celebrate your wins, and keep you focused on your vision to allow you to stay committed and not quit on your goals!

When holding yourself accountable, be able to leap into the next version with confidence and clarity in all areas of your life.

  • Stop trying to do the same thing repeatedly, expecting different results. Write out what you are doing to accomplish the goal and take inventory to see if it’s working or how you could adjust your action plan.
  • When you get derailed, one of the biggest challenges with any goal, find your way back by saying up until now, I would have failed, BUT today I press on.
  • Make a committee with a friend or family member (or a coach) to check daily. Share your intentions and desires each day with someone who can allow you to see your progress and keep you focused on your vision.

Personal accountability will eliminate your time and effort on distracting activities and other unproductive behavior while keeping you jazzed and excited to keep working towards your goals. 

You’ve got this! Keep Shining.

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