Our wellness journeys are our own, but to help you find that path to wellness is Shelby Pressley of Ever-Evolving Wellness.

“Ever-Evolving Wellness is a business that focuses on educational workshops and discussions geared toward the empowerment of each individual’s own wellness journey,” she explains.

Pressley knows that no path to wellness is the same, and it doesn’t always stay the same. “As humans, we’re constantly changing and evolving – through daily lessons to yearly reflecting,” she says. “Because of this, it’s my belief that others need to be informed that wellness isn’t only specific to mental health, but overall health that includes physical, emotional, and social health as well as internal care and self-growth.”

As the conversation surrounding mental health continues to evolve, there’s still a way to go. More specifically, when it comes to resources and information for demographics related to people of color, women, and those in lower socio-economic areas. “We know these resources are lacking, and because of this, Ever-Evolving Wellness was inspired by the desire to provide aid for others in finding what works for them,” she adds.

In offering these educational workshops through Ever-Evolving Wellness, Pressley knows that she can bring some of her own experiences to share with others. “My journey of self-growth hasn’t been a straight line,” she says. “In fact, it’s been made up of zig zags, ups and downs, and sometimes narrow cliffs where I almost fell off.”

To remind others that they aren’t alone in a sometimes-wild journey to wellness, Pressley says she always makes sure to ask others how they have grown. “It’s important that we reflect and realize our takeaways, which is something I do often,” she adds. “I share my takeaways with others and I find that my lived experiences and journeys have helped others wile navigating their own.”

With a “train the trainer” approach, Pressley says Ever-Evolving Wellness will offer group workshops and discussions on various topics like mindfulness, creating healthy boundaries, understanding positive affirmations, and other topics that may be beneficial by request. She says she is open to traveling for workshops and discussions, as she wants those participating to be in spaces and environments where they’re comfortable. 

Pressley says that Ever-Evolving Wellness will fight back against the notion that women of color don’t use their voices in the world of mindfulness and self-growth. “As a society, it’s rare that we see an African American woman speak up and out about the important of mindfulness,” she says. “History has shown us that the voices of women, especially women of color, aren’t as viable as their counterparts. I want to dispel that myth. Through my own journey of wellness, I’ve discovered that as humans, we’re ever-evolving and we don’t stay the same. Who we are today isn’t who we’ll be next month or even next year. We live, learn, and grow. As we grow, we’re faced with different challenges, new people, and new environments. This could be from changes in jobs, friendships, and even love. Being well means doing what’s best for you, because doing what’s best for you is what’s best for you.”

Pressley says she hopes to begin scheduling workshops in late February or early March. For now, you can stay up-to-date with her on Instagram. She says she is aiming to have the website up and running this spring.