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The Spark Project

A Miami Valley native and momma with a mission wants to keep your kids safe at school and spark conversations.

Tizzie Nuss, a Miami Valley native, wants to do her part in the making the world a better, safer place. That’s why she launched The Spark Project, a community focused on creating a safer space for children with the SPARK™ Shield.

“We believe school safety can’t wait and we’re committed to sparking change one heart at a time,” she explains. “An estimated 3 million children are exposed to shootings in a year in the U.S., according to Everytown for Gun Safety. And just since August 2021, there have been at least 50 incidents of gunfire on school grounds.”

Nuss says that she was inspired to launch The Spark Project because she knows of the worry parents feel while their children are at school. “Worrying about the safety of our kids is a constant reality,” she says.

So she decided to take a stand against school shootings. Nuss is fueled by her faith and says that it’s beyond time society did something to protect kids, and she feels that she’s the one who’s been called to do it.

The community behind The Spark Project is made up for moms, dads, students, teachers, law enforcement professionals, and many others whoa re all passionate about taking a stand for children.

“We’re on a mission to protect our kids and communities with innovative products, while sparking positive social change,” she says.

The SPARK™ Shield, created by The Spark Project, is a panel that can be placed a bag, backpack, and fits seamlessly among school supplies and other items.

“Our patent-pending product can be personalized by your child, and can be easily transported,” says Nuss. “Our durable outer case allows your child to illustrate their cover so their shield is completely personalized.”

Weighing just 40 ounces, the SPARK™ Shield is 1-inch thick and is 10.5″ by 14.5″.

The SPARK™ Shield has also undergone rigorous testing, and Nuss says certified, independent laboratories have testing the SPARK™ Shield per the National Institute of Justice Type III-A Standard, which says that a single panel should be tested and shown to stop five projectiles from a .44 Magnum handgun.

Nuss says that the SPARK™ Shield has stopped everything shot at it thus far. She says it also exceeds industry standards with a 98 percent confidence level.

The mission behind The Spark Project is to not only protect children and keep them safe either at school or in another public place, but to also inspire conversation. “Knowing the majority of school shootings that happen someone knew something and didn’t tell anyone – we’re committed to raising awareness around this critically important issue,” she adds.

You can purchase a SPARK™ Shield at To learn more about The Spark Project, follow along on Facebook and Instagram.

Photo: Ian Alexander Photography

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