Change City

Out of Control – Reset Your Energy

Ever feel out of control? Coach Melissa offers a quick way to reset your energy and move forward faster.  People don't resist change; they resist being changed. The harder you push against the grain, the harder it pulls you back to a place where you feel out of control.

Here is a way you can move from the feeling of being out of control into a controllable energy space.

First, permit yourself to go within to reset your energy frequency. The one thing you always have control of is YOU! 

Managing you requires the balance of your body, mind, and spirit—your energy field.

When external circumstances hit you out of the blue, and you have no control over them, but you try desperately to gain your power back, it is because you don’t like how it makes you feel. Your energy field is on a low vibration.

Adjusting your energy field is the quickest way to gain control and raise your vibration. 

Here is a quick way to reset your energy.

When you feel like you are spiraling out of control, pause, breathe, and think or say CENTER – or snap your fingers as a cue to shift back into the positive energy field known as the center (or grounding). 

Adding the mantra “out of any situation only good will come; all is well” over and over until you can feel your body release any tension that has built up will align your body, mind, and spirit. 

Don’t get me wrong, sometimes you must look hard for good or wait patiently and trust, but the good rises. Keep the faith.

What this practice intends is to:

Keep an open MIND for favorable possibilities,

Dropping the negative energy out of the BODY,

and Process from a loving heart of SPIRIT. 

You’ll be amazed how quickly things will begin to turn around when you learn to find your center and shift the energy field in your favor.

Taking the inspired action will require practice. Stay with it. Inner peace is something you work on often. 

Fill your cup first, as they say. And from there, you create more of what you desire and less of what no longer serves you (or maybe doesn’t trigger you) so you can move forward faster.

So next time you feel out of control, think CENTER and begin with the mantra “out of this situation only good will come; all is well” to reset your energy field.

And always remember to Keep Shining, my friend.

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