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Do you know the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset?

Mindset is vital when creating anything in your business and life. There are two types—fixed and growth mindset.

fixed mindset looks and appears as if you’re only born with a certain amount of intelligence that you cannot modify.

Often a fixed mindset is not wanting to appear like you don’t know anything, but basically, you believe you don’t know anything.

The ongoing struggle is feeling as though you can’t develop your talents, or even dream big, because you limit yourself to this fixed mindset.

Often people stay in a fixed mindset because they think there’s no other way to change what they believe.

On the other hand, a growth mindset is where you can start developing and learning how to change the fixed mindset.

The growth mindset is the one you use when trying to create more success, achieve more goals, increase your prosperity and abundance, and live your best life.

To start developing your growth mindset it’s about creating positive habits.

For instance, if you think that you cannot change due to bad habits you’ve created, by embracing the idea that those habits aren’t permanent, and that you genuinely can change them, you will begin to learn a new way of creating, and that is called a growth mindset.

The best way to get started is to acknowledge and embrace your weaknesses in your fixed mindset. From there, you can begin putting into action ways to overcome what no longer serves you in those beliefs.

Use the following questions to begin unlocking your fixed mindset:

  1. Is this belief true?
  2. Do I need to hold on to this belief?
  3. If I were able to change this belief, what would it change in my life?
  4. If I decide to change my belief, what is the first action to move toward this new mindset?
  5. Am I willing to change?

Keep asking these questions until you feel a shift in your thoughts. It will come, be patient. 

Trust the process. Getting started is always uncomfortable and sometimes scary, but if you stick with it and let hope float up, you will soon see the results that a growth mindset will take you much further than that of a fixed mindset.

Keep shining!


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