Change City

It’s Out of My Control

Melissa Kirkpatrick
You know that feeling when you lose control? Our business and life coach shares a few tips on how to take back your control!

Often you may find you use the excuse that a situation or circumstance is out of your control, but in reality, you have total control.

What do I mean by control? 

Well, think about ways that other people act or behave. That’s an example of you being out of control.

However, your thoughts and action toward them are where you have complete control. 

Control is something no one else can take away from you. 

When you find yourself in a situation where you feel out of control, pause and think about how you can regain control of the problem or situation.

The pause looks like this: 

You’re caught up in a loop of being out of control, so think to yourself, “what control do I have in this moment?” 

By asking your inner guide, you will tap into your power knowingness, so you can align with a solution for taking back your control. 

For example, when you listen to other people’s points of view, do you believe you must take on their opinions as your truth? Or not respond with your own beliefs?

If it doesn’t feel in alignment with you, ask yourself, “what am I willing to believe is true for me” and be unapologetic.

Other areas of being out of control can be what other people think of you. You can let that one go and say, “that’s none of my business.” (wink)

Control is all about being mindful of how you speak to yourself and how you’re showing up as the best version of yourself.

Control challenges will come, but it’s up to you to stay in your lane, using your thoughts and actions.  

For added support, I recommend this mantra when you don’t know what action to take: “how can I best handle this situation.”

Remember, you are the conductor of your train, and everyone else is a passenger along for the ride. 

So if you allow them to derail you, it is much harder to get back on track than if you stay in your lane, knowing that you can only control yourself.

Learn to set boundaries and speak kindly to yourself to maintain the control you deserve to live your best life. 

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