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Intentional Goal Setting

Goal setting for most is common practice, however, our Coach Melissa shares how intentional goal setting can leap you further ahead in reaching your desires.

You may think that goal setting should be easy, but the challenge beyond the goal is knowing what action steps to take to reach your goal quicker.

Intentional goal setting takes practice. You are not haphazardly writing down dreams hoping they arrive the next day, like Amazon Prime. What you are doing is assigning goals to reach those dreams.

Now, if only setting those goals was enough. What you forget is to set the intention. An intentional plan clarifies the WHY for how this goal will align with your dream.

Intentional goals are the act of reverse engineering understanding why this is a goal will allow you to achieve your desired outcome, when you identify a strong WHY it will amp up your excitement and ignite the magic giving you rapid results.

For example, you are losing weight for an upcoming social event. Your why is that you want to look better in front of people at the event. 

And yes, that goal and reasoning may be sufficient, but the WHY isn’t strong enough to maintain the weight loss, and after the event, you slip back into the old habits and gain back the weight.

The intention for the goal to lose weight is wanting to look better for the social event AND to improve your health so that you can have more stamina, longevity, and vitality.

And why do you want that?

Because you want to get out of bed in the morning and feel revitalized, you want to be able to play with your children or grandchildren. And you want to walk a flight of steps without being winded.

All of this is the WHY and makes a deeper connection to the goal of losing weight.

As you begin to set goals now or for the new year, think about the intention behind these goals. Your why will help you align with the action steps to take to get the results.

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