Change City

Creating Happy Art

Carolyn Bowles

Local artist is making the world a brighter place

In the past two years, many people have turned their passions into careers to help paint a little light in a sometimes dark world. One of those people is Carolyn Bowles, founder of her own Cincinnati art studio that creates happy art for the modern home and life.

“At the start of the pandemic, as the world was shutting down, I traded in my camera as a professional photographer for a paintbrush to start creating abstract art,” says Bowles. “It was all about returning to my first love—painting.”

Bowles was ready to go back to her childhood dream of being an artist, and there was no better time to do that than when the world was stuck inside. “While my art inspires so many for the bold colors and happy vibes, I think it also sends a deeper message to do whatever it is you’d like to do in life, too. The time is now and it’s never too early, or too late, to start,” she says.

The Carolyn Bowles + Olive Roots Candle

When Bowles creates a painting, she doesn’t do so with a plan in mind. Each of her works is created by reactions to each specific stroke. “In this ebb and flow manner, I work in many contrasts—a bright color next to a muted one, defined shapes next to energetic marks, thick paint next to thin, drippy paint,” she says. “As I paint layer over layer, a story starts to emerge.”

No one piece of work by Bowles is ever the same. She aims to make her pieces unique, just like human beings. 

“I believe each person is uniquely made,” she says. “So, I allow my art to be an expression of me—sharing my optimism, smile and happy vibes with the world. Rather than hide or dull down the things that make me unique, I shine a bright light on them and magnify those things. When you’re true to yourself, no one can replicate it because no one is like you. I embrace this idea when it comes to my art and my business.”

Those who wish to own a piece of Carolyn Bowles’ art can opt for her unique artworks or commission pieces. “I love working with people to create a custom commission piece,” she says. “No matter how it happens, the biggest joy for me as an artist is to have my work displayed in beautiful spaces and treasured in the hearts of those who hold them.”

As Bowles continues her artist journey, she’s looking forward to growing bigger. She plans to clear out her studio to make more physical space for larger pieces as she creates pieces in partnership with galleries, building relationships with interior design studios, getting out into the Cincinnati community and having fun with the art she creates. 

“While I have big dreams, my main focus is to continually paint and see where it takes me,” says Bowles.

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