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Chic Spotlight: Succulent Sam Arrangements

Take your love for succulents to the next level with this locally-based business that's bringing joy to even the tiniest of arrangements.

Cincy Chic: What is Succulent Sam Arrangements?
Samantha Vollrath, owner of Succulent Sam Arrangements: Succulent Sam Arrangements is a place where you can find one of a kind, individualized and extremely creative succulent arrangements! You won’t always find the most rare, impressive, flourishing and ginormous plants here, I like to showcase the little guys, the plants I grow from tiny cuttings or succulents grown from a single leaf and there’s even beauty in the dying rehab plants that I bring back to life. 

Seeing how these plants grow and generate new plants is so healing, giving life back to something as the old dies off…To me it’s not all about the finished product, it’s more about the journey. It’s important not to rush things…the slow process of growing plants from propagation has taught me there’s beauty in the ugly growing stages. Much like in life, things take time to blossom and flourish, it’s about learning to be still, patient, and grow through your experiences, we all bloom at different times.

Cincy Chic: What’s the inspiration behind it?
Vollrath: What started as simply sharing some of my growing collection of plants with friends on social media during the beginning of the pandemic, turned into an amazing opportunity for me to spread love, grow myself. It’s a creative outlet that fills me with a tremendous amount of joy! Being authentically me, I share my plants and the unique succulent arrangements I make for customers, behind the scenes fun, field trips to local nature spots and garden centers, diy tutorials and plenty of plant tips and advice….all while never taking myself too seriously but being honest and staying true. I believe in spreading love to help others because I have seen my true self bloom from the muck just like plants in nature do and there’s healing in sharing that. Because of plants I have learned the value in self-care and by practicing self love, it also brings healing.

Cincy Chic: Who’s behind it?
Vollrath: It’s me Samantha, wife, and a stay at home mom of 3 littles on a healing journey powered by plants, self love and spirituality. I’ve always been into creative expression ever since I was little. A few of the ways I’ve dabbled creativity in my life so far along the way we’re with dance, oil painting and all painting, culinary art and baking, fiber arts, poetry, singing/song-writing/guitar but I’ve seemed to settle into a little niche of succulent arranging and gardening for the moment but it’s complimentary to my lifestyle and needs at this time as it’s extremely healing to create art and play in the dirt at the same time! Since becoming a mom, I’ve struggled with postpartum depression/anxiety, child loss at 18 weeks, ptsd and chronic pain then nasty side effects from prescription medicines that made things worse and solved nothing but I survived all of that, I overcame so much and all of my thanks goes to God, let’s be honest I can’t take all the credit for how much better my life is now. It really took a miracle and a lot of praying so I feel I have a mission to myself and God to stay true and put it out there 100% So I’m determined to share personal details along the way… of how I’ve healed using medical cannabis and the positive ripple effect it has in my life plus other things that help me along the way like self care rituals, self love and movement. I have felt very led by God to share my experiences even though I’ve fought it because of the stigma but I want to honor the glorious way Christ has been moving big in my life, if my story can help just one person then it’s worth it all. 

Cincy Chic: What products do you offer customers?
Vollrath: I make unique and creative custom succulent arrangements but I am also a plant sitter, personal plant fairy that finds the rare plants you desire, I make plant accessories and painted pots, tutorials on propagating your own plants and I even offer one-on-one personal plant advice, helping you keep your plants in great shape and I’ve gotten quite well at diagnosing plant problems too…send me your questions and I’ll give it my best shot! I can also do cute succulent party favors for weddings or baby/bridal showers and even a fun, COVID safe outdoor arrangement workshops, where you have all the supplies needed to make your own succulent arrangement! 

Cincy Chic: What makes Succulent Sam Arrangements unique?
Vollrath: I think it’s the fact that I don’t try to market or mass produce my products as my arrangements are more like finished pieces of living art and they are the result of taking a customer’s vision and bringing it to life, no matter the budget or obstacle. I’ve done very delicate and meaningful arrangements in all different sizes ranging in price from $15-$250. I believe you should be able to have the look you want and not have to stress about budgets. So far I have been able to make an arrangement for everyone! Each arrangement is made with loving thoughts and intentions for the recipients. I can’t help but to think of the customer as I create their arrangement…so just know, if I created something for you, that it’s actually made with real love that I poured into it, with the hopes of passing that love onto everyone that sees it. When my customers needed some life and love, they reached out for succulents, I was blessed enough to be able to help them and find therapeutic relief in the process as well. Word of mouth seems to be the way for Succulent Sam Arrangements and I think that’s amazing as it keeps things growing slowly, right? At a pace I know I can trust, it’s great to be able trust in the timing of life because I don’t think things are as random as we think. 

Cincy Chic: Is there anything new on the horizon?
Vollrath: I want to start a plant styling service- for those with new spaces in need of plants but not sure where to start or overwhelmed by the workload. I can bring life to your place by adding gorgeous plants to be aesthetically pleasing and I can get the proper plants in the correct spaces (lighting conditions) and give you all of the tools to keep them lasting beautifully. You don’t won’t need to worry about anything! 

Cincy Chic: Where can readers go to learn more and follow along?
Vollrath: All of my work and content you will find on Instagram or Facebook.

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