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Chic Spotlight: Create or Conform

Read about this afrocentric brand that offers brass and beaded jewelry and thought-provoking t-shirts.

The Chic Guide: What is Create or Conform?
Erika-Rae, Founder of Create or Conform: Create or Conform is a small brand that offers timeless, handcrafted brass and beaded jewelry inspired by afrocentric style, along with thought-provoking t-shirts that invite clients to connect with the beauty of African history.

The Chic Guide: What’s the inspiration behind it?
Erika-Rae: Above all, the inspiration behind Create or Conform is my need to desire to create. That’s also where I got the name from. I found myself feeling like I wasn’t serving my true purpose and I couldn’t get the phrase “create or conform” out of my head. I felt like I had a decision to make. I either continue to conform, or I create the life that I really want for myself by literally creating. I had always been a creative person, from sewing, to painting, to hand embroidery. I’ve done a little bit of everything. So Create or Conform began as an outlet for me to showcase my creativity and make the things that I wanted to make with a purpose. 

Aesthetically I’ve always been drawn towards a more natural, afrocentric style, so that’s what I gravitate towards when designing. I’ve found that I get a lot of my inspiration from looking at vintage African adornments and photos, and a lot of my pieces end up having symbolic value. That’s something that is important to me when picking out my own clothing and jewelry. I like to wear things with meaning. So it was only natural for me to carry that sentiment over to Create or Conform. 

The Chic Guide: Who’s behind it? 
Erika-Rae: Create or Conform is a one-woman show ran by me, Erika-Rae.

The Chic Guide: What products do you offer?
Erika-Rae: I offer handmade brass and beaded jewelry and a few clothing items for women (and men!) who appreciate a minimalist approach to afrocentric style.

The Chic Guide: What makes Create or Conform unique?
Erika-Rae: Because my jewelry is handmade, every piece is a bit unique. I think it’s interesting to know that your item will never be exactly like the next customers, even if you’ve purchased the same thing. Also, my items online are made to order, so I feel like there’s a sort of satisfaction in knowing that your jewelry piece was made specifically for you with care and attention to detail.

The Chic Guide: Is there anything new on the horizon?
Erika-Rae: I’m in the process of learning how to solder metal, so I’m hoping to add some rings and bracelets to my collection soon. I’m also working on designing denim jackets so keep an eye out for those in the shop as well!

The Chic Guide: What makes items from Create or Conform a good gift idea for the holidays?
Erika-Rae: Picking out a gift for someone is such a personal thing. I think my beaded bracelets specifically make a great gift for the holiday season. Each individual charm is an Adinkra symbol that has a specific meaning. When choosing between bracelets you can pick the symbol that resonates most with the person you’re gifting to, which gives your present that much more value. 

The Chic Guide: Where can readers go to learn more and follow along?
Erika-Rae: You can find my shop on Etsy or follow me on Instagram, where you’ll find more behind the scenes content like my day to day as a maker and more details about my creative process and journey. 

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