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CASA Design Consulting

Say goodbye to chaotic messes with these organizing services from professional child development specialists and parent advocates.

When it comes to our children, we want to set them up for success any way we can. To aid in the support we provide our children is CASA Design Consulting, professional organizers, child development specialists, and parent advocates.

The dynamic duo behind CASA is Aubrey Wallen and Christine Trimmer, both of whom hold Masters in Education and have backgrounds in Montessori education.

“Aubrey and I are both trained Montessori teachers and with our combined 16 years of experience, parents frequently would voice their frustrations to us about how their children’s wouldn’t pick up their toys, pack their lunches, finish their homework, or even get dressed without some sort of power struggle,” says Trimmer. “We wanted to fix that.”

Through CASA Design Consulting, they offer parents organization that is set up to promote developmentally appropriate independence in children. “When we child is given opportunities for independence, there are less conflicts and tantrums because they feel empowered and like a part of the family community,” says Trimmer. “They have a purpose and are capable – this is how we want every child to feel after CASA’s services.”

When it comes to building independence among children, CASA offers its signature “The Toy Edit” service. “The Toy Edit follows the research-based principles of Montessori education to create simplified play spaces at home that prepare children for school and life,” says Trimmer. “This service highlights purposeful prepared activities to offer children, as well as a functional Toy Rotation system that is easy to maintain and keeps children engaged in meaningful, independent activity. This service is useful in any room in your home where you children spend a lot of time – playrooms, bedrooms, kitchens, and even bathrooms are all places where we want to promote independence.”

Trimmer says that what makes CASA unique is that they are able to help parents get their children engaged with toys again while also making clean-up a breeze. “Clients have told us that seeing their transformed spaces has melted away their stress and knowing they have a system that will keep the stress at bay is life-changing,” she adds.

Wallen and Trimmer are excited about the future of CASA Design Consulting. Trimmer says she will no longer be teaching full-time, so both of them are able to now focus on CASA and help it grow by opening new time slots for clients and more availability for immediate help.

“We really enjoy the work that we do,” says Trimmer. “We love hearing from our clients about how our services have improved their relationship with their children, it is why we do what we do.”

Currently, CASA Design Consulting services the Tri-State as well as the Jacksonville, Florida, community. To learn more, visit or follow along on Facebook and Instagram.

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