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7 Tips to Progress Toward Your Purpose

How do you expect to get there if you don't know where "there" is? Our coach Melissa breaks down seven tips for you to focus on to progress toward purpose in life and start accomplishing your goals.

Do you ever find yourself living on autopilot, thinking things should be better than what they are in your life?

Or do you struggle to see your future because you don’t know what to do differently for better results?

And is the day-to-day mundane stuff leaving you feeling like you lack purpose?

After teaching several workshops, I identified that creating something better begins with a clear vision that you believe is possible.

Here are the 7 Foundational Tips to focus on so you can move forward faster to achieving your goals.

Limiting Beliefs: This negative mindset keeps you stuck and stalled. Replace those beliefs you don’t want with what you do want.  

Conscious Language: choosing words that align with what you want. Eliminate the could, should, and would word, and say “I am” (what you want) to create your vision of having what you want now.

Embrace Change: Prepare for your next season. Don’t let today’s reality be your forever reality. Set clear intentions on how you want to evolve and change into the next version of you.

Letting Go: Release any guilt, fear, or shame. You don’t have to keep doing what you’re doing and expect different results. Let go of things you are no longer willing to be, do, or have. You’ll be better on the other side.

Leveraging the Universe: The Cosmic Kitchen is where you place your order asking for what you need, want, or desire. Always be mindful that the kitchen is always open, so be precise in your ordering. (wink)

Confidence & Clarity:  Make a plan. Put those goals down on paper and create a clear vision for the outcome. Find someone who can offer accountability so you will actively engage in your plan daily. And keep track of what is showing up for you. With more clarity, the more confidence you’ll have along the way.

Life by Design:  Be purposeful and excited for what’s next. You are the creator of your life, and you get to decide. Others are just players in your game of life, so don’t count on them to know what you want. Be brave and bold so you can live your best life now.

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