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5 Mistakes that Keep You Stuck

Melissa Kirkpatrick
Ever feel like you are stuck in quicksand when it comes to starting something new? Our business and life coach shares some common mistakes keeping you stuck.

We all struggle to start something new and often delay doing anything because we feel stuck. You are not alone. Here are five common mistakes I find my clients struggling with most.

1. Overthinking

A lot of times, you’re stuck in analysis paralysis. The solution is to start. Stop watching and start doing. Take action.

2. Lack of Confidence

You are so much better than you think that you are. Lacking confidence only comes from an old story that you’ve believed about yourself. Trust your confidence will build over time. 

3. Shiny Object Syndrome

Bouncing around will cause more struggle. Tell yourself you will ignore those shiny objects and don’t give into them. Recognize when you are distracted and interrupt the pattern to get back on track and focus on yourself.

4. Procrastinating

Waiting too long before you invest in yourself can lead you down a road of years before achieving your goal. Rapid results come from hiring a coach. Investing in yourself can be scary and intimidating. Still, you will save time and avoid mistakes by using someone else’s expertise to help you. This type of support will tell you exactly what to do next.

5. Implementation

Implementing what is given to you by your mentor, coach, or online program is how you achieve results. It is up to you to activate the game plan. If you don’t see results, it’s because you didn’t implement. Execution is key!

Releasing the five mistakes that keep you stuck, and focusing on the vision of what you desire, will help break the cycle.

Start today and know you are enough. Being stuck is a choice. The journey will begin once you commit to being unstoppable.

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