Change City

You’ve Got the Music in You

You have what you need to face even the toughest of situations.

By show of hands, who listen to music? (Looks and waits for hands to raise). Me too! I listen to all genres of music! My favorite era is and will always be the 90’s. So many amazing and classic artists and hits came out of the 90’s. As a kid of that era and I may be a bit biased, but I often find myself reverting back to songs of that time and remembering how I felt when I first heard it. Oh, what a time to be alive! What I’ve always found interesting and quite honestly remarkable about music, is how it can shift a thought or feeling. When we’re happy or excited, we listen to music that replicates that or when we’re depressed and melancholy, we tend to listen to songs that have that same kind of aura. These sounds allow us to express exactly how we feel sometimes verbally and non-verbally if we dance to it (and I do!) 

The point I’m trying to make is music is a source that allows us to freely showcase a thought, feeling or idea. So, here’s another question for you. If music can do that, is it safe to say that we already have it inside of us? Do we have an internal Pandora or Spotify station that allows us to tap into the things that make us feel good? I like to believe so! Think back to a time when you were going through a difficult time and it seemed like everything, everyone and every odd was against you. What was it that pulled you through and kept you going? Many of us would say it was our family or dearest friends and you wouldn’t be wrong at all. But, what about that internal music? What about that chorus of backup singers that goes into overtime and reminds you that you can do whatever you set your mind to? Some people call this intuition or divine guidance. Whatever you call it, I believe it exists and is alive and well inside all of us and it’s this inside music that we often go to and it guides us into our next steps on our individual journeys.

Now, let’s get real. Life is HARD, honey. Look at everything we’re facing right now. A global pandemic, national unemployment, government indecision and financial issues that many haven’t seen since the Great Depression. It has been enough for many of us everyday folks to wave our white flags and look for the first flight to another planet! Trust me, I understand it all. The thought I want to challenge you with is what is it that keeps you moving along. I mean, there are so many things that could cause us to falter, what is it that keeps you from doing that? I’ll tell you! It’s the music in you! We all have something that drives us and doesn’t allow us to give up. No matter the negative comments or pushback we may receive, it’s that music that seems to give us that extra push we need to go to the next level. Think about all of the people in history that had all the odds against them. Inventors who had family members tell them that their inventions weren’t a good idea or that college student who left school to pursue their business plan they’ve had since they were a kid. Something in them told them not to give up and to keep pushing towards their dreams. When was the last time you listened to your music and what was is it telling you? 

No matter the title you give it, each of us has a calling that won’t allow us not to answer. We’ll send the call to voicemail or check the call waiting, but sooner or later, we have to answer because the call gets louder and louder and we can’t ignore it anymore. What is the call you’re not answering? Is it a call to bring that idea for a new business to life or is it a call to leave that toxic relationship you’re in? Oftentimes, we ignore the red flags and signs the Universe gives us, because let’s be honest – we think we know every d*mn thing! We ignore it because sometimes it’s easier to push aside the hard and difficult things because we don’t believe we’re strong enough to face it. Well, if you’ve been looking for a sign to remind you just how Teflon tough you are, HERE IT IS! I’m here to remind you that the music you thought you lost is still there and it’s waiting on you to listen to it. Your music is there to remind you that you’re so much more than you give yourself credit for. Oftentimes, we look to things outside of ourselves for validation or approval that we’re who or where we’re supposed to be and by doing this we silence our music and dishonor who we already are while chipping away at the person you’re destined to become. We tell it that it has no idea what it’s talking about and that it’s somehow unknowledgeable of us, as if it hasn’t been with you since the very beginning of your time. Silly us! 

If you’ve been finding yourself unsure or confused about things, don’t fret. If there is one thing that life will do is bring about change. Don’t resist it and don’t fear it. Give yourself grace if you make a mistake and be gentle when things take time to understand. Tap into your internal stereo and pay attention to the melodies it’s playing. Everything you need is already inside of you. Don’t doubt it and don’t run from it. Remember darling, you’ve got the music in you. 

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