Many believe life will be better, more fun, and more exciting “when” the “thing you want” comes into our reality.

But the bottom line is you can’t run from yourself, so how you feel now matters most because when you get what you desire, you may find it doesn’t bring you the joy you thought.

You are trying to find that happiness from an external source often needs to be more accurate. The goal is to find joy in the present moment internally, so you can enjoy MORE pleasure when things begin to show up better in your life.

How can you be happier if you are not happy now? 

Happiness doesn’t come from a time, place, circumstance, or situation; yes, it helps, but learning to be happy now will bring more satisfaction when those things show up.

Let’s begin with a simple daily practice. When you wake up every morning, remind yourself, “I’m still here. I still have work to do.” 

Having this thought first thing in the morning allows you to tap into your soul space, become grounded, and be open to starting your day focused.

This statement shifts your vibration or energy level to remind you how precious you are and how real life is.

Follow up with a daily intention. Choose to feel better inside, happier for how far you’ve come, and open to being pleasantly surprised at how the outside world will start mirroring back to you the good, the abundance, the prosperity, the joy, and the happiness you desire.

Remember, what you focus on most becomes your new reality, and that can start with focusing on a solution rather than a problem.

I challenge you to align with your internal drive and soul and allow it to shine before you start your day. 

When you realize that you always have the answers within yourself, you can stop searching outside of yourself. You can’t run from you. You can go within and recalibrate your energy to stop delaying what this life offers you.

Keep Shining