Change City

Write Your Future

Melissa Kirkpatrick
Our business and life coach shares how to move into the second half of the year with a tool to clearly set the intentions for what's next.

Do you believe you can tell the story before it happens, and it will manifest into your reality?

Learning to create your reality in business and life begins with your thoughts. 

When you think of lack — you have less
When you think things won’t work — they don’t 
When you feel not enough — you aren’t

Journaling is a great way to begin to capture those negative thoughts and flip the script to shift the energy to be positive. Let me share how this looks.

A typical journal practice is writing about the day, along with celebrations, things that weren’t so good, and perhaps some self-reflection, which isn’t wrong. It’s a record for that day’s experience—a great place to start.

When ready to amp up your journal entries, I suggest the following practice.

Write out the details of how you want your life to look in all areas using the future tense.

Here’s a short version of statements that can be expanded upon in your journal to create a straightforward story of what you desire. Be sure to apply all the details using your senses when you write. 

I love who I see in the mirror.
I choose to have a healthy and fit body.
I embody ease and grace.
My client list is abundant.
My capacity to receive is infinite.
My bank accounts are prosperous.
I am a happy, healthy, vibrant person.
I have loving friends and family.

Eliminate past tense words, and use the I Am, I Choose, I Have — and when it seems like a stretch, use words like Embody, Deserve, Ever Sense. 

To help eliminate the past story, try saying “up until now ” to release the past and put yourself in the present to identify who you are becoming.

Have fun, enjoy painting your future in words, and watch it appear over time as you take action to align with your vision. You can’t get there from here, so who do you have to become! Trust the process. It works.

Oh, and be sure only to write this future self when you feel good. And if you need to do a brain dump of negative thoughts before writing the good stuff, then do that in a separate journal.

Enjoy the process!

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