Change City

When It Gets Crisp in the Fall

Fall is almost here and we're looking forward to all that's to come.

F. Scott Fitzgerald’s character Jordan Baker from The Great Gatsby said it best:

“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.”

As we say goodbye to summer (and the blistering heat), we welcome a new season. Oftentimes, fall is seen as a dying off rather than the rebirth of life we promote in the spring, but I don’t necessarily see it that way.

We’re all “falling” into our structured habits of work, school, and busy lifestyles, but I want to encourage you to take a new approach to the season. Rather than seeing this new season as a goodbye to the fun we had the last three months, let’s feel encouraged to look to what’s to come over the next three months. Take a step back at what you’ve accomplished so far this year and what you still have to come just on the horizon.

There’s so much to feel grateful about in this life, and a new season is the perfect time to reflect on where you’ve been and where you want to go.

The city of Dayton is blossoming and the rise in small-owned businesses is booming, thanks to people who want to inspire and bring their community together. So while you’re out and about enjoying all the Gem City has to offer, be sure to stop at that small corner shop that just opened, get your next baby or bridal shower gift from the store at the Oregon District, or put yourself out there at a networking event. Get out and enjoy those who are building the community and find inspiration for yourself in this new season.

Stay Chic,

Sara Sybert

Is there a business you would like to see featured in The Chic Guide Dayton? Email me at [email protected].

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