Change City

What’s Your Why

We're taking it back to the beginning, and reminding you of your why. Read more from our business and life coach.

Do you feel your business isn’t excelling as you once imagined? 

Are you a woman with drive, passion, and focus ready to jump into a new business or career, or already in business and want to expand and grow? BUT you are paralyzed from the thought of taking on this new venture?

Sure, you had a deep desire to create the opportunity from a place of passion and purpose, and you believed in yourself to be successful, but WHY did you say yes?

What I know for sure is the one thing that can unlock your scarcity and uncertainty about your business, and allow you to catapult to the next level is remembering your WHY.

When coaching business owners, I see the business breakdown occurs when the WHY is forgotten. 

The excitement is gone and replaced with everything about the numbers, goals, unnecessary interruptions, shine object syndrome, or perhaps a strong feeling of quitting because you can’t get out of your head.

When you feel this lackluster in business return to these three questions:

•          Why do you do what you do?

•          Why do you get out of bed in the morning?

•          And why should anyone care?

Craft a short, one-sentence WHY and write it down somewhere! 

For me, my why is to teach others that lifelong learning is a valuable asset.

Be encouraged to identify and rediscover your why often by tapping back in and recall what made you say YES to the business in the beginning and know that this reason is still valid. 

Staying connected to the passion and purpose of doing business will bring a deeper bond and more abundance and prosperity when you know your Why.

Keep Shining!

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