Change City

Up Until Now

Melissa Kirkpatrick
Our business and life coach shares how to interrupt negative and unproductive patterns.

We all do it! We know what we don’t want and talk about it often as if it will change magically; however, it doesn’t work that way.  

The more you talk about your problems and what you don’t want, the more you’ll get what you don’t want.

So, I want to invite you to change your perspective and learn how to interrupt this pattern quickly to shift out of what you don’t want (the problem) and start finding the solution to what you do want.

You are not alone, my friend. 

Scaling and leveling up in life can be a struggle and hard. Learning to keep focused and on track is vital.

When the negative talk begins, PAUSE (insert the screech on a record) and say:


Yes, up until now, that was your story and belief. 

Now moving forward, it no longer serves you to rehash what’s not working. 

The time is now for you to find a new way to move forward. 

There is a better way. 

You must look for it and take inspired action.

  • Up until now the dieting doesn’t work (drink more water).
  • Up until now the job you accepted isn’t fulfilling (update your resume).
  • Up until now the relationship you’re in seems one-sided (spend less time there).

See how you can change the patterns. Reach for a better feeling. 

You are the creator of your story. Know that you can change the outcome with your thoughts. 

Begin now to use the phrase “up until now” to interrupt the negative patterns and begin creating new ideas toward what you WANT.

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