Change City

Turning Chapters

Every birthday brings a new chapter.

Why is it that some women cringe at the thought of getting older? I’ve never really understood that, because I love the thought and act of aging. To me, getting older is like the ultimate life challenge! From one year to the next, you have the opportunity to go through various ups and downs, episodes of excitement, surprises and meet new people that you didn’t know prior. When I think of getting older, I like to have chats with elders (a.k.a. women older than me), on how they’ve navigated life and the lessons they’ve learned throughout the years. From these conversations, one of the biggest takeaways have been how I continue to view and pour into myself. Am I taking time to check-in with myself? Am I surrounding myself with the people who will tell me the things I need to hear and not want to hear? Mostly, am I happy with the person starring back at me in the mirror each day? 

As I get older, I like to take the time to reflect on my life. I think of each day as a scene you’d see in a play. Each moment is an act and each thing we do is a scene happening in that act. In this particular scene in my life, I’m preparing to turn thirty-six. What’s most interesting right now is I’m more confident in myself then I think I’ve ever been in years prior. The steps I take are intentional and filled with purpose. That purpose, quite honestly is what I hold onto in times of confusion and difficulty because let’s be honest – life has scenes and acts of confusion and difficulty. Even thinking back to January 2020, there was still an excitement of newness in the air as the new year got rolling. Who would have thought that in just a few short weeks, the biggest global pandemic ever would rear its ugly head and shift the way we all lived life? Yet, there was a lesson to be learned from it all. What lessons have you learned recently that have allowed you to grow? 

Over the last year, I’ve had so many amazing things happen and met so many great people! I started writing for this publication (shout-out to Cincy and Dayton Chic Guide), began a new role in my career as an Educator and traveled to some cool places! I’ve found that when I open myself up and trust that good things will happen, good things actually happen! Now, I don’t have this down to a science, but I begin each day with setting an intention and stating a mantra for myself. I understand now more than ever that I’m my biggest cheerleader and I have to be loud about it!

In this new chapter I’m getting ready to turn, I made a few intentional promises to myself. Firstly, I promised to give myself more grace. As women we can become our own worst critics and end up doing horrible damage to ourselves. I won’t do this to myself any longer. Secondly, I’ve promised myself to have more adventures. Life is full of adventures and things to grasp and in this new chapter, I intend to grasp as many as my hands can hold! I intend to be more open and affirming of who I am now and who I’m in the process of becoming. My feet are planted firmly and I’m focused on the things that fill my internal cup way before I pour from it.

In the study of Numerology, the number thirty-six symbolizes philanthropy, humanitarianism, family, home, idealism, optimism, creativity, and personal expression. As I turn this life page, I’m grateful to embark embark on each and every one! 

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