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Time to Plan

As we go into the second half of the year our business and life coach encourages us to plan by creating a vision for what’s next.

It’s official, summer is here, and the backyard barbecues, swimming, boating, going to the beach, and spending endless time together (finally) with family and friends, brings so much excitement to our lives! 

It’s also a time when you might be starting to focus on new goals. We are halfway through the year, and only six short months are remaining.

What can you do to get yourself in a place to understand what you’ve accomplished so far and where you’re heading?

So if you’re looking to plan out the next six months, finishing up this year with a lot of excitement, abundance, and delight, I would encourage you to revisit your dreams and vision board.

Now, if you don’t have a vision board, that’s okay. It’s pretty simple to create one in a matter of a few minutes, especially with your phone.

Search for five to six images that speak to you. That means you want everything in the image and the feeling it provides. How you feel is vital when you consider a picture. The photos you chose can be for career, finances, relationships, health, spirituality, etc. Don’t be shy; pick the photos that resonate! 

For me, I’m going to pick the private jet with me sitting inside with others as we toast with champagne celebrating our all-expenses paid for our next big adventure! And yes, the black Cadillac Escalade with the driver who dropped us off at the airport. This is what I mean by dreaming big! Nothing is off limits.

Create a vision so strong that you would be happy even if you only receive “some” of what you desire.

When you giving yourself permission to dream again, the images you select, when looking at them often, will move you into a higher vibration that will allow you to align with what you truly desire. Oh, and no one has to see them. Honestly, it’s best to keep them to yourself.

And keep in mind, nothing is too small. If you want some extra money to go on a summer vacation to the beach with your family, start with those images of what it looks like when you are there, and how amazing it will feel, and believe that all of this is on its way for you.

Your thoughts become things, and what you put your focus on grows.

Have a fantastic summer and start creating today the business and life that you deserve. Act now, so your desires can become your new reality in some form or another. 

It all starts with you!

Keep Shining!


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