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The Roaming Naturalist

Read about a local company that’s using the great outdoors as their classroom.

We’re ready for an adventure, and exploring the Great Outdoors sounds like just the thing with The Roaming Naturalist.

Jana Marshall, owner and founder of The Roaming Naturalist, wants to provide an educational and enjoyable experience for parents and kids alike.

“The Roaming Naturalist is a nature-based educational experience for kids and families. Our mission is to get everyone back in the great outdoors through unique nature and art programs at local parks, schoolyards and even your own backyard. The Roaming Naturalist empowers young minds to explore nature through immersive learning experiences that encourage curiosity and self-discovery,” says Marshall.

Marshall’s career in environmental and biological sciences along with her love for the natural world  is what sparked her interest in creating this company. Marshall is a Certified Naturalist and has taught outdoor education for over 13 years.  

“My career also includes teaching marine science on Georgia’s coastline, working as an outfitter guide in the Okefenokee Swamp, aquatic research locally and abroad, sea turtle conservation, migratory bird research, and entomology studies, says Marshall.” 

The inspiration behind this unique experience is to open and expand children’s minds to the natural world. “Research continues to show the benefits of fresh air and spending time in nature and the global pandemic has forced us to slow down and really appreciate what nature has to offer. We are excited to be a part of the movement back outside and build that connection and gain an appreciation for the ecological world, explains Marshall.” 

As if the Roaming Naturalist wasn’t already unique enough, they also explore nature with you and wherever you are in a 1970’s turquoise VW bus, Minny. “We bring nature exploration to you – whether it’s a birthday party or a casual family day at the park, says Marshall.” 

“The Roaming Naturalist is here to empower children, parents and teachers to get back outside and try something new! When we aren’t busy teaching groups of children and families, you can find us at a park near you, ready to reconnect with nature, says Marshall.” 

The Roaming Naturalist serves K-12 and even adults, so everyone can be a part of the fun! 

To keep up with The Roaming Naturalist, follow them on Instagram or visit them at

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