Change City

The Fallback

This year is all about being clear in your intentions and manifesting the life you want. Read on for more.

Well hello there, darlings! I’m back like I never left! It is my sincerest hope that the last few months have been healing, abundant and filled with beautiful experiences! It’s been awhile since my last editorial and there is a reason for that. I’ve been manifesting! That’s right – you heard me correctly. I’ve been busy in the act of manifesting. Allow me to explain.

By definition, manifesting means to bring something tangible into your life through attraction and belief (I.e. if you think it, and it will come.) However, in order to make this happen, I need to allow myself to become clear about my intentions and essentially “fallback” from the people and things that weren’t aligning me with what it is I truly desire to have and inspire to be. In my absence, I was able to do some reflecting about my life and my takeaways were colossal! I realized that the person I’ve become and who I’m in the process of becoming, was no longer aligned with many of the people and situations that I was giving my time to and I had to make some hard decisions. I had to stop accepting what my heart knew was no longer acceptable, even if they were the very things I may love because they were no longer for my highest and greatest good. 

Sometimes we hold onto things that we know isn’t good for us. I think we do this out of fear and the fear of the unknown. What will things be like if I let it go? This is what I’ve always know or always done? For me, the concern was what if I hold onto it and I never know myself beyond or outside of it? This can go for relationships, friendships, careers and a slew of other situations! You have to ask yourself this question – “What matters more? Who you are now or who you’re actually becoming?” I can’t tell you how to answer that. Only you know the answer. For me, ultimately who I’m becoming was and is at the precipice of importance. That doesn’t mean that you no longer hold love for these things. It does however mean that you understand and acknowledge that for you to reach your own highs, you have to fallback. Understand that falling back may result in some naysayers, haters and all-around meanies! I know this ALL too well. My rebuttal to that is something I heard Joel Osteen say – “People’s opinion of you is none of your business, nor should you make it yours.”

Get busy dreaming and using your imagination! Get busy creating your vison boards! Get busy becoming busy being the best version of you for YOU! When you begin working on yourself and believing in your internal dopeness, you will begin to attract what you want. Go forth and manifest, darling! 

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