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Telling Your Story

We all have a story to tell, and whether you tell others, publish it, or keep it for yourself, it lives within you.

Journaling is a powerful process of telling your story and can allow you to discover more about your journey through a new perspective.

Writing your story down provides an outlet for helping you purge and let go of any frustration, anxiety, or long-dormant feelings that you no longer choose to feel. 

Doing this work, you may be surprised by what you uncover. Often there is a theme that repeats itself day after day, year after year, and often decade after decade.

Stepping outside of the story and reading it as if you were not the character, you’ll start to see themes appear — like watching a movie.

It will give you a deeper connection and clearer perspective to the situation and circumstances at that moment and how the pattern is repeating itself today.

If there are things that you don’t recall about the story, you may want to investigate it further by asking others who may remember additional details. But ideally, you’ll want to write for your purpose of being able to read and evaluate the story so that you can begin to process and let go of repeating the pattern.

Using the phrase “up until now,” that was your story, and that experience is real, but moving forward, you are ready to release that experience. Holding on to the story only keeps you stuck and stalled.

Also, stay curious about how those stories have a connection with those you hang out with, the career path you are on, or perhaps your belief you’re not enough.

The stories all began with you. Whether it’s money, career, health, relationships, start looking at the themes.  From there, you can draw a line in the sand indicating you no longer want the same experiences to continue happening in your life.

You’re here to play a bigger game. You’re a brilliant soul who shines light. Continue to grow by leaning in and understanding how your life can be lived more joyfully, prosperously, and abundantly, by letting go of the stories from your past and start creating a future with stories you are excited to tell. 

Keep shining!


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