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Tears, Tides, and Transformations

This podcast wants to help you find healing in a sometimes painful journey through life.

Life is full of ups and downs, and the process of healing can often be a long journey. To share that you aren’t in this alone is KeAnna Daniels and Bridget Flaherty, Founders of the podcast Tears, Tides, and Transformations.

“When we share with one another through raw conversations and reflection, we can learn how to better manage the challenges and transitions in our lives,” says Flaherty. “We interview women who are willing to vulnerably share their experiences with healing and mental health.”

These conversations then work to reflect on what was learned during the interview, providing tips and best practices for tackling the real-life challenges that are part of all of our lives and normalizes conversations about mental health and healing.

What started as a lunch meeting in 2017 turned into so much more than that. After 4 ours of talking, a friendship was born and conversations were had. Then, in 2020, Flaherty and Daniels were both faced with personal and societal trauma and wanted to find a way to share their deep conversations with others through Tears, Tides, and Transformations: A Podcast About Healing.

Flaherty says that the podcast is recorded in two parts. “We take turn interviewing guests and then we all talk to one another about the interview before the other has heard the interview recording,” says Flaherty. “These organic conversations between us are a reflection of our friendship and our lives, and helps bring depth to the topics.”

The first episode was released in June 2021, with co-hosts Daniels and Flaherty, and producer Savannah Webb.

The topics covered on Tears, Tides, and Transformations include trauma, doing the work to heal, transformation, and wholistic wellness. “We interview women who have experienced shit in their lives, have begun the healing journey, or are on the verge of healing and are open to sharing the lessons they’ve learned about the process,” says Flaherty.

The duo says that their podcast is unique in that their friendship is based on honest and open conversations about the reality of life. “We are from different generations and different ethnic backgrounds,” says Flaherty. “We grew up in different cities in difference decades with different cultural influences. Our different perspectives provide a rich context for healing conversations and our willingness to be curious about the others’ experiences has opened doors for women of all backgrounds to share their truth on this podcast. The women that share their stories come from all walks of life and connect on so many levels.”

Tears, Tides, and Transformations also wants to help change the stigma of mental health. They want women and others to know that it’s ok to talk about what they’re going through, rather than stay silent.

“We shed light on the real things that many women are dealing with,” says Flaherty. “We talk about addiction, sexual abuse, domestic violence, abortion, generational trauma, family dysfunction, societal trauma, cancer, suicide, self-harm, childhood abuse, and more. We talk about healing modalities like meditation, yoga, therapy, psychedelics, breath work, journaling, inner child work, re-parenting, reclaiming the felt sense, dance therapy, color therapy, and more. We talk about wounds and then we open the doors of the healing possibilities.”

Flaherty says the podcast is not easy listening, it’s deep and is life-changing. “It’s a safe space where women get to tell their own stories of trial and triumph,” she adds.

Season 2 of Tears, Tides, and Transformations will launch in January with 6 brand new episodes. They are planning to provide follow-up journal questions and small group discussion items for each episode to help give listeners thought-provoking follow-up action to continue their healing work and journey.

To learn more about Tears, Tides, and Transformations, click here. You can sign up for free to be a part of the community to talk with others, ask questions, and learn about new developments.


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