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Talking About Your Problems Brings More Problems

The only thing you'll get from talking about your problems is MORE problems. Coach Melissa shares how to talk less about your problems and more about finding solutions.

Talking about your problems is an addiction for so many people. Breaking the habit is by talking about your joys instead.

You’ll hear others repeating a story of despair, disappointment, being out of money, hating their job, unlucky, and other negative experiences.

I’m sure you’ve heard a few of these, and maybe you are guilty of saying them too.

Now I’m not saying problems don’t exist. However, the more you talk about your problems, the more you lose sight of finding solutions.

Do you ever find yourself in a conversation, listening to someone complaining about their problem, and you share a new focus, idea, or even a solution, for them to not even acknowledge you because it feels better to keep talking about the problems?

Or they hear you and respond in disbelief by saying, “don’t hold your breath,” “I know the other shoe is going to drop,” or “you can’t be lucky like that forever.” 

The best way to shift the problem to solution mode is to start talking about your joys. Be in gratitude for all that is in your life.

Journaling can be beneficial for releasing the addiction to talking about your problems. 

List what you see as problems in your life on a piece of paper—acknowledging them individually. Then set the paper on fire in a safe place letting them go.

Now you can return to your journal and write a list of possible solutions for each problem.  Remember, you let the problem go when you burned it!

For example, if it’s a money problem: sell some belongings, find a part-time job, cut back on food, cable, and cellphone package — I know you can’t do any of this! But I know you can for a moment in time. Nothing is forever, only until you get to the other side of the problem. 

If you are looking for a better job with a bigger salary, update your resume, connect with a headhunter, get a part-time job to make up the money difference, or get additional training in an area that would increase your salary. 

The bottom line is to keep going with finding solutions. 
You know what you want and what you don’t want. Get busy, do the work, and find joy. It will serve you in so many ways. 

And the addiction to your problems will soon become a gift because you are passionate about finding solutions. 

Need additional support? Let’s have a discovery call and see how I can help you see past your problems so you can get on with your beautiful life!

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