Individuality is key when you shop Sugar Camp, a small, Dayton-based business selling thoughtful goods while also embracing feminism, individuality, and local pride.

“Sugar Camp’s messaging is near and dear to my heart, as it focuses on feminism and individuality,” says Owner and Founder Val Smith. “With that in mind, all products are designed to be customized. There’s no one way to ear this stuff, and I encourage my customers to make it their own.”

In addition to her passion for individuality, Smith is also a huge advocate for the city of Dayton. In searching for a name for her business, she decided to dig a little deeper into the history of the Gem City.

“The name, Sugar Camp, comes from a little known piece of local history involving WWII, trailblazing female naval officers, and a code-breaking machine,” she says. “Give it a Google, it’s riveting!”

All of the designs offered by Sugar Camp are done by Smith right here in Dayton. She has extensive experience in product design, marketing, textiles, and graphic design – allowing her to pull in a variety of talents from different disciplines to offer a cohesive brand experience.

Products from Sugar Camp includes a core line of bandanas, and you’ll also find accessories such as bandana cuffs and enamel pins. The most popular product offered by Sugar Camp is the “Resist, Persist, Dissent” bandana.

“I think it resonates with women of all ages, as we can all see a little of ourselves in those who inspired the piece – Rosa Parks, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg,” adds Smith.

Smith believes that her brand is carving out a special niche with bandanas, as they’re a versatile accessory but not necessarily the first think you think about grabbing while getting ready.

“There’s this perception that they can only be worn one way,” she says. “I think Sugar Camp empowers people to explore new styles they wouldn’t have otherwise considered. It’s fun to see what customers are doing with them, and to hear about the compliments they get on their bandanas.”

When it comes to designing products for her brand, Smith says that it’s the design aspect that really gets her going. “My heart is 100 percent in textiles and pattern design,” she says. “So getting to use those skills to create my own product line is a dream come true!”

Smith says that right now she is developing designs to expand her offerings with market tote bags, which will be ready in the next couple of weeks. She’s also working on seasonal designs, social media drops, and expanding her brick-and-mortar reach.

Currently, Sugar Camp can be shopped online at You can follow along with Sugar Camp on Instagram, where Smith shares upcoming shows, new drops, and styling tips.