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Stuck in a Career Rut

Feel like you're stuck in a career rut? It might be time to realign with your childhood dreams.

Think back to when you were a young child. What is the career you thought about? Who were you going to be when you grew up? 

Does this plan match or align with what you do today? 

Are you close to the career path you wanted, or did you completely miss the mark?

Maybe you are satisfied with your job but feel like you missed out on something and wished you could go back in time and start again.

As a woman who has leveled up every decade on my career path, I can say with confidence that you know when it’s time to move on — it’s not too late, and you aren’t too old!

Staying in a career that isn’t fulfilling leaves you are feeling stressed, angry, or disappointed, which not only causes you physical and emotional pain, but it is also leaking into your work ethic and production, as well as affecting those around you. 

So if you know that your current job is unfulfilling, let’s see how you can begin to search for what’s next.

Scary, I know. All the stories that include you can’t afford to lose insurance, or take a pay cut, or I’m too old for a change, and no one will hire me – so I’ll stay put! 

If those stories are let go for a minute, and you can return to the childhood dreamer who knew there were infinite possibilities and you could be anything you wanted without judgment, what do you want?

The first step towards something you deeply desire is by quieting the voice that tells you it’s impossible and listen to your heart of what you want in a career.

Sound too difficult or impossible for you? 

I challenge you to get clear by grounding yourself by sitting on your butt or taking a walk in nature. Then ask what do I truly desire for my career. Keep asking until you get the clarity of what’s next. Don’t dismiss anything. You will know what you want. You have to listen and be willing to take inspired action.

Surprisingly with this work, you’ll begin to notice opportunities showing up. It’s not by accident. It’s all in divine timing. 

Are you ready to claim what you desire?

Will you be in the same rut a year, five, or ten years from now? 

Will you be happy or still wishing you would have taken the chance and made the career change?

I’ll leave you with this: If not now — then when? 

Life isn’t a dress rehearsal. Live your dreams. And if you need help to DRIVE you towards your desire and make a plan on how to make it happen, let’s connect. 

Keep Shining!


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