Change City

Stop Scrolling

Melissa Kirkpatrick
Our business and life coach shares how to break the habit of scrolling social media with small changes to create balance.

I know I am not alone. And I also know without social media, we feel disconnected. Where is the balance?

Like most, starting the morning by grabbing your phone to turn off the alarm initiates the scrolling.

How do you avoid this habit? 

Start with finding a better solution.

I know it will be hard. It’s a habit and one you follow without hesitation all day, every day. 

You are on autopilot.  

Like any habit, the decision to change comes with a dedication to keeping trying until the old habit is broken and the new one takes its place.

Start by noticing WHEN you begin the scrolling and pay attention to what prompted it. 

From there, you can interrupt the pattern and create a new one.

For instance, you grab your phone to look up a product, check on a friend, or post about your business.

With that one task in mind, it soon becomes a rabbit hole. And an hour (or more) has passed, and you can’t get that time back. Yikes!

As a business owner, you know the value of social media. The plan is to be noticed and engage with your clients so you stay top of mind.  

What happens is you are looking at what others are saying and doing, which leads to less about your business and more about them.

Are you ready to break this habit?

Try using the following:  

–          My intention is to wait a minimum of 15 minutes before picking up the phone.

–          My intention is to spend 15 minutes on Facebook posting my content and commenting on 15 other people’s posts, then sign off. (Set an alarm to stick with the time.)

–          My intention is to turn off my notifications 15 minutes before bed

Creating a new habit can work with mini shifts that will create a better habit over time.

Accept you have a desire to make the change and act. 

Trust the process and know you’re not alone. You’ve got this!   

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