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Spoonful, The Edible Cookie Dough Place

Grab a spoonful of edible cookie dough and treat yourself in 2022.

Who doesn’t love cookie dough? It’s hard to resistant sneaking a bite while baking cookies, but often the thought in the back of many minds is the potential danger associated with salmonella. Thankfully, Spoonful, The Edible Cookie Dough Place, is easing your worries at its safe-to-eat raw cookie dough shop.

“Our dough is crafted from recipes that have been passed down in kitchens across the country,” says Owner Lyndsey Rhodus. “Of course we’ve made them safe to eat by eliminating the risk of food borne illnesses, but we’ve kept all the goodness.”

Spoonful uses heat treated flour, so there are no eggs used, to create their safe-to-eat dough.

Rhodus says that when she decided to open Spoonful, there was no extraordinary story behind it. She simply wanted to bring edible cookie dough to the community while building a brand that reminds customers of home.

“Stealing batter from the mixing bowl is a memory that a majority of us share, and Spoonful gets you close to the bowl by making safe-to-eat raw cookie dough,” she says.

Rhodus herself is an Ohio native and loves how Spoonful has allowed her to become part of a tight knit community and focus on supporting small businesses. She’s a mom of two daughters, who keep her on her toes.

She says that the store allows her to maintain her passion for design and dessert, which gives her an opportunity to promote fresh ideas with her brand.

The menu at Spoonful offers 12 different cookie dough flavors including gluten free and vegan options, as well as multiple toppings to create a treat made by you. Additionally, Spoonful has ice cream, Doughluxe Milkshakes, and flavored lemonade.

“Cookie dough is normally a treat you only get by deciding to bake something at home, and a lot fo people shy away from it because of the risk of getting sick,” she says. “But we’ve made it easy and safe to indulge.”

With 2022 here, Rhodus says that she’s working on developing new flavors to refresh the menu, and the brand is always looking to grow. “We’re looking forward to a productive new year,” she says.

The unique Dayton-area shop is located in the downtown historic district of Miamisburg.

You can learn more about Spoonful at or by following along on Facebook and Instagram.

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