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Six Steps to Achieve Your Goals

Melissa Kirkpatrick
The challenge is not setting the goal but being able to achieve the goal. Our business and life coach breaks it down into six steps.

Goals help you stay focused on what you want. To achieve those goals, you must decide what you will do to remain committed. 

It can take some time to get the clarity around a goal, but once you understand what it is you truly desire, then from there, you can use the following steps to achieve the goal.

Write it Down

By writing it down, you agree that this is what you would like to accomplish. Could you be specific in what the result of this goal will bring to you? 

For example, if losing weight is your goal, achieving this goal will be better health.

Identify the Obstacles

By thinking ahead about what might trip you up, you can manage that obstacle by preparing for a solution.

For instance, if you’re saving money for a vacation and suddenly your air conditioner goes out, avoid using the vacation money and tap into your emergency money.

Make a Plan

The saying, “if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail,” is true. Write out what strategies you will use to reach your goals. Make them realistic. 

If you’re trying to lose weight, an unrealistic goal is to lose 50 pounds in the first month. Could you make a plan with ways you’ll improve your current situation with better choices and options? Adjusting the methods can be done along the way.

Set a Timeline

Could you be specific on when you will achieve the goal? If you throw a goal out there but don’t have an achievement date, often, you will continue to procrastinate instead of working toward the goal. 

So, if you want to start your own business, you would set a date when you will launch the business. Not just someday.

Commit and Schedule Time

Make the commitment for achieving your goal. If you can allot time to how you’ll work towards the goal, you’ll be much further ahead than if you try to wing it or shoot from the hip. 

For instance, if you’re looking for new relationships, commit time in your calendar to meet up for drinks, dinner, or entertainment. You can schedule that time for new relationships when you know what time you have open.

Get an Accountability Partner

Not having accountability can be a game-changer in achieving your goals. You think you can do it alone or don’t want to share what you’re trying to accomplish with others. It doesn’t have to be a family member or close friend. It can be a mentor or coach. 

Align yourself with someone that’s already doing what you want to do. Find ways to communicate daily, preferably to be held accountable for what you intended to do for that day. Daily accountability is best.

Take these six steps and start igniting the passion for your goal and achieving them. 

Don’t delay your success. You can get inspired and take action to commit to reaching the goal entirely.

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