Looking for a skincare product that will help you no matter what kind of skin you have? Shay ButterNaked LLC is here to help.

“Shay ButterNaked LLC is a skincare line for dry, sensitive, oily, and normal skin,” explains Founder and the company’s namesake, Shay.

The inspiration behind the business comes from Shay’s daughters, two of whom have severe eczema.

“One gets dry patches all over and the other gets tiny bumps all over,” she explains. “We were using prescription creams but they contain steroids and we were tired of giving our girls creams that may cause harm, so we opted for something safer and effective.”

That’s when they turned to shea butter, cocoa butter, and other ingredients to create their own line of products that are natural and helps the girls’ skin heal.

“They no longer have to deal with their eczema,” says Shay.

Today Shay, alongside her daughters Shyra, Sarah, Shayla, and Atarah all run the business offering body butters, body oils, hair oils, pain rub, and soap.

Shay says that what makes Shay ButterNaked LLC unique is that it’s a family business, and everyone is involved in bringing the products to people all over the country who may be experiencing skin issues.

“I have been making body butters since 106, but did not start selling body butters until March 2021,” she says. “We are making a name for ourselves and we are going to continue until we are a household name.

With a new year on the horizon, Shay says that they will be introducing a new soap line as well as a new product they will soon reveal.

You can learn more about Shay ButterNaked LLC at www.shaybutternaked.com or on Instagram.