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Resolutions: Checking In

Melissa Kirkpatrick
How are your goals and resolutions coming along? Our business and life coach offers three reminders to keep you going.

Welcome to the fourth week of the new year, a good time to ask yourself: “How are your goals and resolutions coming along?”

Are you still trying, or have you given up and thrown in the towel?  

When the new year begins, attempting to set and achieve goals is on everyone’s mind, but then the overwhelm and distractions soon take over, and the goals and resolutions fall away. 

I know you wish setting goals was like Amazon Prime, where you say what you want and expect it on your doorstep. That would be nice!

Unfortunately, you have to do your part and take inspired action every day.  

I refer to this as interrupting the pattern. Doing things slightly different than you would typically do. 

Here’s what can help get you off the struggle bus and finally achieve goals with a better foundation to continue striving to reach your end desire. 

1. Daily Mantra: Small adjustments daily are all that is needed to create real growth and change. 

2. Mindset: Accepting what it is—letting go of what was—and having faith in what will be.

3. Ask for Help: Get support from an outside source for clarity and accountability. 

Those three reminders, when practiced daily, are how you can boldly step into your year (next version) with confidence, clarity, and excitement all while staying on course with your goals and resolutions. 

It’s your time to create a life of your dreams and desires by taking it one day at a time. 

You’ve got this. 

Each day you can start again. 

When you stop, the dreams fade, and the goals are lost. Interrupt the pattern! You deserve to live your best life now.

Keep Shining!


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