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Reset, Refocus, Recharge

Melissa Kirkpatrick
Wrapping up the first half of the year, you may be falling short on your goals and dreams. Our business & life coach, Melissa, offers these steps to get back on track.

How are things going for you with your goals and dreams?

Did you set your new year’s resolution back in January?

How are they coming along?

Perhaps you are finding you’re slowing down or have completely stopped working towards those goals.

Well, you are not alone. 

The slow down happens to many. The key is to get back on track as quickly as possible. You don’t want another year to go by and still be stuck in the same place you are now.

Here are the steps I use to support others to get back on track or focus more.


Interrupt the pattern. Stop everything you’re currently doing that’s not working and do something else instead …for a little while. Notice how interrupting the pattern can help to release your emotional attachment to not reaching your goals and offer you a new perspective when your desires have changed. And that’s okay.

FIXED MINDSET: believing that you can’t change your skills or talents

GROWTH MINDSET: break your social conditioning and uncover skills you never knew you had.

A reset may include:

– Getting back into a routine

– Utilize alone time better

– Writing out all that is going on in your thoughts (a brain dump)

– Listen to music that raises your vibration

– Get more sleep

– Stay away from social media (take a pause)


What you focus on will expand, so get clear on what you want.

Thoughts = Feelings = Action = Result

Think of these questions as you refocus and create your life by design. You may even want to create or update your vision board.

– What would you like to create?

– What would you like to do?

– What do you value?

– What makes you happy?

– How would you spend your time?

– If money were no object, I would… ?


Be sure to take time daily to recharge with self-care activities and make it a priority.

Ask Yourself Often: Did I recharge myself as much as I charged my phone?

Now, take a post-it note and write the three words: Reset, Refocus, Recharge and use it as a reminder to check in with yourself to be sure you are staying clear on what matters most.

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