Last week we celebrated the beginning of spring and the equinox when the daylight and nighttime were twelve hours. Time for spring cleaning, planting, and watching the plant begin to bud and green. Ahh, the magic of spring.   

This time of year, I like to reset and refocus my inner being with a quick and effective way to spring-clean my thoughts and surroundings.

Three easy things I recommend you consider trying are:

Write it all down! 

Find a quiet spot and allow everything (brain dump) in your thoughts to be written down on paper. 

Ask, “what do I no longer wish to tolerate in my everyday experience?” As you write, add all the emotions, and be committed to letting them go. 

When you feel complete, take the paper outside and light it on fire. Yelp! RELEASE all those emotions. #springcleaning 

As it burns, repeat, 

I now release all of you to be recycled over time and space. I am open to receiving more of what I truly desire in my life. And so, it is“. 

Now, this does not mean you will see evidence that all you release is gone tomorrow, but if you look for the evidence over time, you will begin to see where you no longer are experiencing the things you let go of. 

And if you do, then repeat the process.

Ignite the magic of what you do want. 

This is an excellent time to uplift your vision board with new images or add more. If you don’t have one, create one, even if it’s only one photo of what you desire for your life. 

And remember to feel all your senses when you look at those images knowing you live in an abundant Universe and the cosmic kitchen is conspiring on your behalf to create your new reality. You have to be open to receive! #theuniversehasyourback

Enhance your sense of smell.

Another way to align with personal spring cleaning is to mix up a cleaning solution, add a bit of a lemon-scented essential oil to the water, and wipe down items in all the rooms, offering a cleanse to those items you touch. And if the thing no longer aligns with you, let it go.

Burn some incense, palo santo, or sage to purify the air. Now it may not smell like it is purifying, but it will give you a sense of peace. This is also known as smudging. 

So, as you continue to find ways to be a better you and live a better life, consider adding a new niche to your routine. I have been doing this work for over a decade, and it keeps improving.

Happy Spring!