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Playfulness 101

Melissa Kirkpatrick
You may be good at being all things to others but what are you doing for you? Our business & life coach shares how playfulness can be the solution!

I see you working too hard trying to be all things to everyone. Putting work ahead of any pleasure and just feeling exhausted at the end of the day. When will it ever end?

I am reminded of a quote, “my joy is the greatest gift I give to others.”

And, of course, you cherish and love the opportunities you spend with others, making an impact or influence, but when do you give back to yourself?

You know everything you should be doing to take care of yourself, but let’s consider something new — PLAYFULNESS!

Ask these questions:

Are you allowing that inner child to play?
Are you enjoying yourself and having fun at the level you once remembered when you were a child?
Are you embracing your innocence?
Are you laughing out loud?

Playfulness is a highly recommended tool to improve your health and wellbeing. I challenge you today to make it a priority.

Take a break, nurture your spirit and do something you ordinarily would not do.

  • Dance to music
  • Stick your tongue out or make funny faces in the mirror
  • Host a tea party and dress up
  • Get in your car and drive with no destination.
  • Roll around on the floor with your pet

Whatever it might be that aligns with what you feel your soul needs to be playful, do that.

Trusting your intuition is a powerful skill that often gets overlooked. For example: You do not have those thoughts by accident. You did not run into that person unexpectedly. And that money on the ground isn’t because someone left it for you.

Divine timing is everything and works in your favor when you are playful and tapped into your intuition.

Remember, you are the creator of your game in life. Learn to utilize your tools to create more abundance, prosperity, and happiness. 

Playfulness is just as important as everything else you do to support your mind, body, and spirit, so put it at the top of your list.

Ask yourself: How will I be playful today?

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