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Never Enough

Do you feel like there is never enough money, time, or opportunities for what you want? Our business & life coach, Melissa shares a formula to help you have more than enough.

Never Enough! Two words that will deplete or repulse having more than enough. 

Whether you are saying it out loud or having the thought, the result will always be …not enough.

If you constantly struggle with this thought, pause and think of this formula:

Thoughts + Feelings = Action –> delivering a Result

What you are thinking controls how you feel, and your feelings lead you to take action, which will create a result.

For example, if you give energy to the thought “never enough,” you feel low energy and take no inspired action.

However, if you are willing to replace that thought with “what if there is more than enough,” it allows you to raise your feeling of higher energy and be inspired to take action. 

Not enough or more than enough is about knowing what you don’t want and what you do want.

Using the formula above, write out on paper what you are genuinely working toward based on “having more than enough.”

You can begin setting up strategies to achieve your desires more quickly. 

Remember, the law of attraction says thoughts become things, so choose the good ones.

Don’t miss out on creating the life you deserve by blocking what you want with a limiting mindset.

You decide how you manage your thoughts. Knowing this will allow you to see that you are one choice away from creating “more than enough” in your lifetime.

Keep Shining! Melissa

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