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Mend Style & Design

Breathe new life into your style with these intuitive styling and body acceptance services.

The start to a new year is a fresh start for many, and Mend Style & Design wants to help you accept yourself and achieve that New Year’s Resolution of body acceptance.

“Mend Style & Design is an intuitive styling and body acceptance service,” explains Founder Amanda Bicking. “Whether in 1:1 styling or group shared experiences, Mend aims to reignite your relationship to self expression, to hold space, and to help you discover the beauty of who you really are.”

When the COVID-19 pandemic turned the world on its head and many were no longer able to connect with others as we were used to, Bicking thought there was no better time than the present to launch Mend. She wanted to create a way for others to bring their best selves to the forefront while also connecting with others. She said that she was able to use her professional experience and gift for seeing the strengths of others to bring them happiness through style.

“Through intuitive styling, I help people fall in love with themselves and redefine their perception of who they are and how they can show up in the world,” she says.

Bicking has more than 15 years of professional experience in fashion and consumer research industries, and has worked with people all over the world in helping them to identify their own needs to achieve an “authentic life well-lived.”

At Mend Style & Design, there are three services offered: The Intuitive Style Edit, The 30 Day Style Journey, and The Style Revolution.

The Intuitive Style Edit takes a look at your style. It’s meant to be a tailored reading and guide that helps you refresh and DIY your style.

The 30 Day Style Journey is 30 days of healing, body shape assessment, and tailored shopping. This service aims to help you accept your body, your unique style, and take it to the next level.

The Style Revolution is the most in-depth and longest-lasting service available from Mend Style & Design. The Style Revolution is a 12-week high-touch experience that includes trauma-informed body image healing, custom shopping to your exact measurements and preferences, styling tips, a closet clean out, 1:1 voice message support, and more.

Other services available from Mend Style & Design include closet clean outs, wedding and occasion styling, and photoshoot styling. Additionally, Bicking offers aura readings for events and gatherings.

Bicking says when you choose to work with Mend Style & Design, you’ll get a loving guide show sill help you untangle the stories and beliefs you hold about yourself that just aren’t true. “I am here to list, to see you for who you are, and sprinkle a bit of magic in there,” she says. “You receive emotional support and tangible style direction to give you the confidence to show up on the outside, with who you are on the inside.”

What makes Mend Style & Design unique is Bicking’s approach to working with her clients. She believes that anyone can feel confident in their bodies and that style is for everyone, regardless of appearance, time commitment, and budget, and she wants to help clients get to that point.

“Mend’s styling service provides people with intuitive guidance, energy reading, and practical applications to their style,” says Bicking. “Mend also combines body image healing with styling to help everyone feel confident in their bodies – inside and out.”

As the new year gets start, you can find Mend Style & Design at several Beauty Boost events throughout the year where she will be sharing information about her services and doing aura color readings. She’s also hosting a Spring Body Love photoshoot and event to celebrate the bodies in our community.

To learn more about Mend Style & Design, visit the website. The website allows you to sign up for emails, where subscribers are the first to know about promotions, events, and free resources. You can also stay up to date with Mend Style & Design on Instagram.

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