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If you've ever heard the term "mastermind" but wondered what it is and how it can help you -- listen up as our business and life coach shares the value of investing in a mastermind program.

A few years ago, I participated in a mastermind program and was pleasantly surprised by how well it jump-started my business to the next level.

Expanding on what I learned, I created a mastermind program to support clients to be more focused on their business through a group effort.

A mastermind is a group of like-minded people who regularly meet challenges and problems. They lean on each other, give advice, share connections and do business with each other when appropriate. Once you find one where there’s a good fit, you will most likely see a marked change in yourself and your business.

Here are the top reasons why a mastermind might be right for you:

1. Be part of an exclusive community. Most often, it’s a small, hand-selected, and curated group designed to thrive together.

2. Advisement. Once you are involved in a mastermind, you no longer have that feeling of “being alone” while running your business. The other group members turn into business advisors, along with your business coach.

3. Collaboration. Working together is the name of the game in a Mastermind. The group works collaboratively to achieve more together, either directly or indirectly, through a connection.

4. Extend your network. You know how important a strong network is if you’re in business. Joining a Mastermind immediately expands your network through referrals and recommended collaborations.

5. New learnings. Everyone in the Mastermind brings unique skills, experiences, and connections to the table. By interacting and sharing your challenges, others in your Mastermind will offer a solution, connection, or tactic to help another in the group.

6. Cross-promotion. When you join a Mastermind, you’ll most likely find ways to help each other by leveraging cross-promotion. Find ways to help each other through promoting to your respective networks.

7. Think bigger. A Mastermind is aptly named, as it truly gives you a master-mind! You often begin to think bigger and stretch beyond your boundaries when surrounded by trailblazing people always looking to sharpen their saw and grow their networks.

As we start this new year now is a great time to join a Mastermind. Growing a successful business takes time, attention, and focus.  Working with a small group along with a business coach, this support will scale your business faster. 

Investing in you — it’s worth it!l Keep Shining!

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