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Managing Your Rollercoaster of Emotions this Holiday Season

For many, this time of year brings a roller coaster of emotions and feelings. Coach Melissa has three ways to balance your emotions and find your joy.

High and low emotions can come to you unexpectedly with excitement or sadness. And during this time of year, you may reflect on what you’ve accomplished, goals you met or missed, despair about losing loved ones, or wondering how to move forward.

What I have learned throughout my journey is how to balance my emotions and find joy with these three tools.

Get Grounded – this is being in the moment of right now. If your thoughts are scattered and thinking about other things, if you are distracted by outside noise or conversations that happened the day before, whatever your mind is thinking about, you want to bring it back to now.

It is helpful to go outside, stand in the grass, and feel the earth below my feet and the vast sky above. Listen to the sounds around you with your eyes closed, and view the landscape around you with eyes wide open.

Being grounded is allowing yourself to feel alive and present at the moment.

It does not have to take a great deal of time but do give yourself permission to take advantage of finding groundedness. And sometimes, it may help to use the mantra “I choose to present and awake at this moment.

Accepting What Is — this often can feel uncomfortable because you want to discuss why circumstances and situations are the way they are.

If you are always seeking an answer to things of the past, that is where you will stay. The idea is to move forward and take those experiences with you to understand how it will be different next time. 

When you can let go of the battle in your thoughts and mind around circumstances that did not go your way, upset you, or just should not have happened, to begin with, and realize that there is nothing more you can do about it. 

You can move forward strategically and accept what is so that you can change the outcome next time when given a comparable situation.

Shifting the Energy — Please realize that the things you carry around in your thoughts will get heavier and heavier. And when things pile on, your energy goes down. 

The goal is to shift your energy frequency to high and effectively release what no longer serves you.

Here is a visual meditation that will help you to release the heaviness and shift your energy.

Close your eyes. Imagine you have a backpack and everything that bothers you inside the pack, including things you do not want to talk about, that you don’t want to confront, or that you’re holding on to because you don’t know how to respond. Feel the heaviness of that backpack on your shoulders.

Next, imagine walking through a wooded area and coming upon a stream of running water. Standing next to the water, allow your thoughts to reflect on the things you have put into your backpack—those items you want to release. 

Say, “I’m willing to release all that no longer serves me.”

Then remove the backpack from your shoulders and place it on the ground next to you, giving it one final look and acknowledging that everything in there no longer serves you. (Note: this may be challenging initially, but please give it time.)

When you grab the backpack’s straps, lift it off the ground, gently drop it into the water, and watch it float downstream as far as the eye can see. 

Trust that the universe will recycle all those negative events, thoughts, and stories you’ve packed inside and replace them with more joyful opportunities, and say, “I am open to receive all that is for my highest and best good and return to joy and happiness.”

And when you’re ready, open your eyes. 

The sooner you can better understand how to manage your emotions, the faster you will be living the reality that you desire in your mind’s eye. 

I am sending you love and light, knowing the journey can be difficult. Please have grace with yourself, and take this time of year to focus on what serves YOU best and do it unapologetically. 

If you need more help, please feel free to reach out.

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