Change City

Making Connections

‘WE Ascend’ focuses on strengths and builds community

The Leadership Center at the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber is launching an energizing new program designed to empower women of color, WE Ascend. This program consists of seven, professionally facilitated small group coaching sessions with Ife Bell, Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer at To Be, LLC.

WE Ascend is tailored to meet the needs and experiences of women of color who have exceptional leadership potential and desire for positional advancement. WE Ascend is designed to equip professional women with the essential tools and resources to develop and enhance leadership skills with the goal of positioning them to advance their company and career.

Workplace experiences for women of color are much more unfavorable and limiting than their counterparts, which has led to many women of color deciding to leave the workforce at a significant rate to pursue more equitable opportunities. Studies show that women of color are often having the worst experience of all workplace employees and are left feeling isolated and unappreciated. The specifics of their personal experiences may vary, but their outcomes remain very similar.

“At a time when women and women of color are exiting the workplace in huge numbers, the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber continues to be an innovator and forward thinker in the leadership space. They are committed to addressing today’s challenges and I am excited to partner with them for this program,” states Coach Ife Bell.

WE Ascend is based off the highly successful program, Power Squad, which was developed in 2017 in partnership with the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber and 84.51 for women of color employed with 84.51. As a result of the huge success with 84.51 and the critical need in our region, WE Ascend is being rolled out to the broader community for more women to have access to the program benefits and coaching opportunities. This “public” format will help bridge the gap many women of color feel in not having a strong network of women representing various industries in business, nonprofits, and corporations.

“This opportunity helps companies from all industries address this growing pipeline retention leak. Every company benefits from expanding and retaining diverse talent which gives them a competitive advantage as an organization and fosters spaces of authentic belonging,” Bell says.

As part of WE Ascend, participants will engage in seven professionally facilitated small group coaching sessions. They will hear from local thought leaders and benefit from assessments and discussions. Participants will have the opportunity to receive two personal coaching sessions and expand their personal and professional network.

“We are excited to partner with Coach Ife Bell, a Maxwell certified coach, as she is a leader in strengths-based leadership and will bring her own personal experiences to the program. She is truly passionate about elevating women of color in our region,” states Amy Thompson, VP of Leadership Center at the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber.

The program is geared toward mid-career level and seasoned leaders who are seeking the next level of advancement, or who have been placed in a new leadership role. Space is limited to ensure the intimacy of the group. Applications are due Friday September 3.

WE Ascend kicks off on September 14 and concludes in early December. The majority of the sessions run from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The tuition is $3,000 for Chamber members and $4,000 for non-members. For more information and to apply, go to

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