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Low Self-Esteem is a Real Thing

Learn how to boost your self-esteem with our life and business coach.

If you think about it, you spend all your time with yourself. Yes, you have interactions with other people, and you do things, but it all comes back to being with yourself at the end of the day.

Low self-esteem happens; it is real. Often, when you don’t see things going in the direction you hoped for them to go, it alters your self-esteem significantly.

Your self-esteem is low when you didn’t get a raise or promotion. Or perhaps, you are constantly trying to diet and/or exercise program but cannot stick with it, let alone lose any weight. Your organization of home and office is always a chore. You never have enough money, time, or freedom to do what you want to do.

These types of experiences are driving you to have low self-esteem.

To develop good self-esteem, begin by deciding you want more: confidence, motivation, focus, and drive. 

Try using the following steps to raise your vibration and align with higher self-esteem.

Start with listing at least three to five things that you like about yourself.

Think about internal things such as your creativity, your ability to figure things out, or perhaps your positive traits include your sense of humor and wittiness.

If you cannot come up with three to five things, then I would suggest writing down the things you do not like about yourself. Then flip the script to make a more positive statement.

You probably have a long list of what you do not like about yourself because you tend to focus on the “not good enough” things more than the positive ones.

Over the next week, take this list and repeat it in the mirror. 

Mirror work is something that can give you valid evidence of how you feel. It is as if you can see internally. Add a smile as you are saying these positive attributes about yourself into the mirror.

It is time to start looking inside you and finding greatness instead of looking outside into the world and seeing all the goodness you do not have. 

Life is a journey, and it is up to you to create the excitement and higher vibration to live your best life. You deserve all you desire, and it starts from within.  

Keep shining!


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