Change City

Life Changes When You Change

Understanding you have to change before anything else can change is the key to connecting to your higher self and living a life by design.

Why do you resist change?

Change means you lose something of value. You fear you won’t be able to adapt. You also know any significant changes to your daily routine will threaten your level of safety and security. As much as you want things to change in your life, magically, in some cases, it all comes back to YOU.

No one can bag you, shame you, or even if they use reason, emotion, or tough love, you won’t change – unless you want to.

It is easy to stay in the same frame of mind day after day about how your life is going and talk about it like it’s never going to change. And yes, you are exactly right! 

How can you begin to change? Start by:

  • Realizing that you need to do it.
  • And decide you’re ready.

In addition, begin by learning to accept change. For instance, start changing the way you do your everyday routines.

– Take a different route driving

– Part hair on the opposite side

– Get out of bed on the other side 

Whatever you usually do (aka routine), change it up — slightly. Nothing drastic. 

At first, it will seem awkward before it feels right. And you may question whether you are ready for change. The focus is on seeing the result when you embrace the difference with a clear mind and whole heart.

Begin to embrace change by giving yourself permission to do things slightly differently and allowing it to be OK.

You have to change before anything else can change.

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