If you’re in search of your new favorite aesthetics practice, look no further than Lauren James Aesthetics. The Lebanon-based boutique medical spa specializes in non-invasive cosmetic procedures, skin resurfacing, and skin health.

“Lauren James Aesthetics was inspired by my desire to open a practice that felt welcoming each visit,” explains Owner Lauren Grau. “I strive to make sure each patient experience feels very personal and individualized every time you sit in my chair.”

The board-certified Nurse Practitioner specializes in aesthetic medicine and has more than 5 years of experience in the aesthetics industry. Excited to bring her expertise to the Lebanon and surrounding communities, Grau says that she strives to enhance her clients’ unique beauty and believes that aging is a beautiful gift.

There are a number of non-invasive cosmetic procedures offered at Lauren James Aesthetics, all with a heavy emphasis on skin health. “Lauren James Aesthetics only carries FDA-approved, industry-leading dermal fillers, neurotoxins, devices, and medical grade skincare,” she explains. “These products allow us to provide safe, predictable, and accurate results with each treatment.”

Lauren James Aesthetics is unique in that it is the only medical space located in Lebanon, bringing the community the latest and most innovative aesthetic treatments and techniques to clients.

Lauren James Aesthetics is located at 15 Cincinnati Avenue in Lebanon. You can learn more by visiting the website or following along on Facebook and Instagram.