Change City

Keep Going!

Our business and life coach offers a tool to keep going even when the motivation runs out.

One week into the new year, I’m guessing things are going well. You are all excited about the latest fitness and wellness program, you’ve started tackling the to-do list, and you are thrilled will all the possibilities coming your way.

Bravo on stepping into the new year with clarity and confidence.

Now I don’t want to bring in negative energy, but I know how hard it is to keep going when the motivation runs out.

So, allow me to offer you a tool to begin using now so when that time comes (if it does), you’ll be ready to refocus and keep going.

(drum roll) The Evidence Journal – each day, write down things you noticed that indicate you are doing good and on the right path. 

For example, evidence can appear when someone calls you out of the blue, find coins or feathers on the ground, have your coffee bought by the car ahead of you at Starbucks. 

You can get more tapped into evidence by setting your intention by choosing a word, object, or number to appear throughout the day as an evidence cue.

I recall using a “frog” for my evidence reminder. I didn’t find a real frog, but I saw one on TV, and then my husband bought me a statue of a frog — totally out of the blue. Yes, more, please.

The practice is to raise your vibrational energy, keeping it on a high vibe to attract better or more. For example:

Working out – do slightly better than the day before.
Eating healthier – progress over perfection.
Get organized – you do work best in chaos, so own that.
Morning Routine – start with one small change.

For that reason, when you are feeling the desire to quit, give up, stop, or say maybe next year, take a breath and start looking at the evidence you’ve accomplished so far.

Remember, when you drop your vibrational energy, you miss your targets, so be mindful of the evidence; in this way, you continue to raise your vibration and make progress toward success.

Keep Shining!


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