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Jessica Leigh Wellbeing

Find your way back to you with these empowerment sessions.

As women continue to navigate the difficult waters of working from home, remote learning, and managing a household, it doesn’t always feel like there are enough hours in the day to make time for yourself. If you’re feeling burnt out or that you aren’t living a life you truly love, Jessica Leigh Wellbeing is here to help.

“As Jessica Leigh Wellbeing, women are empowered to recognize that they possess everything they need to have the life they desire,” says Jessica Smith, a certified mind body eating coach, inner voice facilitator, and reiki and yoga massage practitioner. “I provide 1:1 mentorship programs, individual two-hour Inner Voice sessions, and various virtual and in-person master classes for high-achieving women to take off the masks they show the world and get in touch with who they really are.”

Smith says that she was inspired to launch Jessica Leigh Wellbeing after she lost herself in the pursuit of happiness. “I found my worth in what I could do for others, and ultimately ended up unhappy, unhealthy, and lost,” she says. “Slowly, I found my way back to myself through inner voice work, shadow work, somatic practices, meditation, EFT, and more.”

Then, along the road to transformation, Smith says she wanted to be able to provide other women with a way to return to their true selves. She does this through inner voice work, also referred to as the intuition, which is the truest version of one’s self. “I now guide women in cultivating a relationship with their inner voice so they can live their soul-aligned life,” she adds.

Services from Jessica Leigh Wellbeing include two-hour inner voice sessions, two types of 1:1 mentorship programs, free virtual masterclasses, and in-person events.

Smith says that she ultimately wants to help and empower women to come back to themselves. “This isn’t about finding the answers in another book, podcast, or from an ‘expert,'” she says. “It’s about realizing that you hold the answers within you. I shine light on your shadows so that you can become aligned with your Higher Self. My services aren’t meant to have you become dependent upon them, but instead they’re designed to give you the tools you need to cultivate deep healing within yourself.”

Currently Smith is preparing to participate in the Women’s Global Leadership & Business Summit happening March 3-6.

To learn more about Jessica Leigh Wellbeing, visit the website or follow along on Instagram.

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