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It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!

The holidays are in full swing, and everywhere you look, there is the feeling of magic hovering in the air. Decorative lights, illuminated trees, and the hustle and bustle in the stores remind us that the holiday season is upon us.

This time of year is when folks come together and celebrate with food and gift-giving. They reflect on the past years and what the future holds. They reminisce fondly on what has passed and hope for the endless possibilities of what the New Year could bring.

It sounds like it’s right out of a storybook. And yet, you may find this time of year challenging

Perhaps for you, it brings on the sorrow of lost loved ones, the fear of not accomplishing enough in life and business as another year comes to a close, and sometimes, a general unsettled feeling of not being enough, as the pressure to have a perfect holiday season.

With all these complex emotions as an undercurrent running through you, you might discover that your best go-to survival tactic is to bottle up anything that makes you feel uncomfortable and put on a smiling face around others. 

You are trying not to acknowledge your feelings and emotions around those who seem to have it all together.

Gut check, right?

I am all too familiar with this feeling, and navigating the emotions can be challenging. You feel like crawling into bed and pulling the covers over your head.

Here’s what I find helpful; remember that this IS just a season and that other people may be feeling the same way. 

Getting through the holiday season, try one or all of the following:

  1. Be aware that others may not feel the joy and merriment of the holiday season and find ways to offer them comfort and support. Lending an ear and listening without judgment or trying to help them identify their emotions can go a long way to ease a lot of situations.
  2. Go to places that bring YOU joy. Read a book or watch a movie that offers laughter and comfort. Make dates with your closest friends and talk about something other than the holidays. Schedule a time for some pampering and self-care. Don’t focus on making everything special for everyone else that you forget to get your own needs met.
  3. Finally, if you are like me, with a mixed bag of emotions around this time of year, keep looking for happy moments you’ve experienced and recreate them in this time and space. 

You know that this season will pass, so take comfort in that. 

Be a good “finder” and start finding ways to bring that inner joy to you and for you. Once you find your happiness, it will be easier to help others find theirs.

Happy Holidays!

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