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Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty?

Being triggered or upset when things are not going your way comes from within. Our business and life coach offers a new thought process when this happens.

Perspective is everything.  The attitude you convey in any given situation is much like “the glass half full or the glass is half empty.” Either way both are right!   

When a problem arises, an attitude is formed. Usually you begin with “who’s responsible for this problem?”   

Being triggered and upset because things are not going your way is the problem, and you believe the problem is happening from outside of you.

Spoiler Alert! It is not. 

Your thoughts are what is running the show making you feel and have the reaction. Not the actual problem as you perceive it.  

Your thoughts are what connects your feelings to the problem. And if you are the problem, you are also the solution. How you choose to receive and interpret any situation is on you. 

It is your responsibility, like the glass being half-full or empty, what you are thinking and believing always will changes the outcome. 

Keep in mind when working through a “problem:”

  • Aligning with a solution is much more freeing then aligning with the problem.
  • Aligning with the problem only magnifies what you do not want. 
  • Aligning with solutions you get more of what you do want.

Next time you feel a problem is not going the way you think it should, and you feel miserable or angry, it is your responsibility, based on what you are thinking, to align with the solution. Your thoughts are controlling the outcome.  

See the glass half full because you know that is where you align with a solution. 

Be the good finder and see the glass half full. 


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